42. Food Is Medicine

You are what you eat ! AND we are home consuming right now… food, media, oxygen… at least the air is cleaner during this time! What is the real impact of the food we are putting into our bodies? Are there larger questions we should be asking? What about our kids and youth nutrition? So. Many. Things!

Join me, Dr. Teddy Brose, and former nurse, Karla Jones, as we discuss food as medicine and how we navigate these conversations with medical staff, kids, and ourselves. They share their journeys to a healthier lifestyle and how simple changes (while tough at first) can change the trajectory of your health journey and the loved ones you look out for. We talk about responsibly and why taking charge of your own health and knowledge around what you’re consuming is so important. We discuss how to lead the way for kids to make better nutritional choices, even while at school or at a friend’s house and how to provide space for further conversation so they really understand why. We talk about little changes you can make now to eat cleaner and change the trajectory of your health. The wellness, health, and fitness spaces are all business- arm yourself with knowledge!


Questioning a better way. Why don’t doctors and nurses know more about nutrition? They are not nutritionists:) Kids and food. Kids and sugar. Plant based vs. the standard American diet. Changing one small thing vs. everything. Wellness, fitness, and business. What to do now? 

Dr. Teddy Brose is a physician in Appomattox, Virginia. She specializes in Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine and works closely with her patients in the application of evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine for the prevention, treatment and reversal of chronic diseases. She further facilitates the Complete Health Improvement Program in her community, a three month comprehensive lifestyle medicine program which aims to educate and arm its participants with the tools necessary for success in their journey to health and wellness. She further teaches numerous free class’s in her community and does a monthly Walk with a Doc program where she discusses various health related topics while taking a walk with community members. 

Karla Jones is a mom of 3 young kids and wife to a college baseball coach. She is a master’s prepared nurse turned mama on a mission from Central VA. She loves running, a good book, building things with her hands, and sharing her simple tips for a healthier lifestyle. After learning the relationship between nutrition and disease, something she wasn’t educated on in nursing school, she’s been on a mission to pay forward this important information. She’s partnered with a company whose mission is to inspire health living around the world. Most people strive to live a healthier lifestyle, but find where to start a challenge. Karla is able to help people ignite their journey with one simple change. This incredible partnership has allowed her to live her best life and inspire others to do the same. She is all about making impact for good in helping families thrive! This is what has lead her to become a #mamasetfree.

41. Hot Cup #2

It’s another HOT ONE! Yup, Hot Cup #2… no idea what to expect on these other than sipping some fine libations over some wild laughs. Ashley joins me once again to cover some crazy questions about life, reality tv, men, women, and anything in between! Won’t say too much here, but you get some incite to what is going on in our worlds and what we think about a few things… bad dates, sweat pant pro tips, and best way to sip tequila… in a fine tea kettle, of course. Join us in some lighthearted convo and a drinking game- cheers!


All the craziness. Unedited, unfiltered, raw convo… you know this. Tequila, dates, school, reality tv. Denver and beyond. Fans tuning in live- it’s a first. We’re out here figuring it out folks, this is some of our journey thus far. Laughs and libations. Cheers and frustrations. Happy hour Zoom, another one… but this one is varsity. 

Ashley Knight 

Ashley Simone Knight is an Esthetician, Model, and Colorado native. She started modeling when she was 20 and gained her experience in the growing Colorado market. She has been an Esthetician for the past 6 years and has recently evolved from working at various spas and salons to starting her own business. Ashley loves balance: Caring for others as a Skin Care Therapist, imparting all of the lessons she’s learned to others who are navigating life in her industries, as well as dancing and singing karaoke.



28. Clean Beauty

If you are in health and wellness, you know at this point it’s not just about diet and exercise. It’s about a full, well rounded approach to how you live and how you consume. Fitness, nutrition, sleep, mindfulness… and now toxins! Who knew there was more to worry about? Until recently, we let the majority of our purchasing behaviors be steered by our family and friend (our immediate environment aka influencers) or straight up marketing. Until recently, we didn’t even know what to question or how…. Our make-up, detergent, air fresheners? Again, it’s overwhelming to know how much you need to know to live as clean as you can.  AND the more you dig in and do the research you really see how much you don’t know. Hello outsourcing. Find someone who lives and works in the space and consult them accordingly. That person is Karen for me. She is a long time, great friend that I met while training at FRCF #fitfam. She has all the makings of a great advisor/coach… certifications, degrees, AND she lives it. She talks about training, tips, tricks, sources on where to find the right stuff, questions to ask… and if you don’t need the ENTRIE clean life 411, she can just tell you what to do and what not to do:). I have come to her many times over the years for nutrition, recovery, supplement advice and now beauty products! I had no idea how many toxins were in the things we were consuming every day and how much is absorbed in our skin. AND a lot of companies know this… WTF. So just like the nutrition and fitness space, transparency is not the highest priority. Karen and I chat all things clean beauty, questions to ask, why she loves and supports Beautycounter (google them if you don’t know already) and how they are taking things to the next level fighting for further beauty regulations federally. I highly recommend everyone watch the NetFlix Doc, Stink, it sums up why you should be wondering what we are putting on our bodies, cleaning our houses with, and what products that are not consumer packaged goods are treated with. Its mind blowing. Cheers to clean living, one convo and product at a time!


Clean beauty. Holding companies accountable. Questioning a better way. Ramifications of these toxins? Karen’s fitness and wellness journey. Good options. What you can do to help make a difference. Balance and beauty. Out spoken women and pups:)

Karen Rylander

Karen is a certified nutrition consultant passionate about helping clients uncover their innate, primal health buried under all of our modern toxins. 

She’s a native Texan, but has called Colorado home the past 20 years. She’s been working as a certified nutrition consultant since 2011 when she graduated from Bauman College. She also has a Food and Wine certification from CookStreet and a B.A. in Anthropology from University of Colorado. In 2017, Karen joined forces with Beautycounter, a skincare company on a mission to get safer products into the hands of everyone. She lives in Denver, CO with her husband who is a chiropractor and their dog, Ginger.




IG @karenscleanliving

26. Hot Cup #1

HOT CUP…. it’s now a thing. Be ready.

This one is a little different! I sit down with two BFF’s to dig into some HOT topics and share our general opinions around whatever topic gets pulled out of the cup… and I mean WHATEVER topic. How it works: before the convo we each wrote down “topics to discuss” and then put them all in a cup. From there we each pull out a topic one by one and discuss. It can be anything from “if you could be any Disney prince, who would you be?” to “the last time you wore pearls” to “would you take your husbands’ last name”? Simple, ish… as you know we tangent like pros (you’re welcome) and we mix some heavy commentary (work place equality, tails of growing up, and more) alongside our lighthearted topical discussion…you know the drill. Turmeric AND Tequila:) I am not going to give too much more away here, but you should have a little mini ab workout by the conclusion of the cast. We go in… Hot Cup #2 coming soon.


General shenanigans. Growing up and youthful experiences. Kanye vs. Taylor.  Gaston, don’t ever choose him for anything! Pearls and first cars. Integrity and workplace equality. Exposure to adult material. Gross pizza and gratitude for zero social media during our college experience. This is a fun one. Enjoy

Ashley Knight 

Ashley Simone Knight is an Esthetician, Model, and Colorado native. She started modeling when she was 20 and gained her experience in the growing Colorado market. She has been an Esthetician for the past 6 years and has recently evolved from working at various spas and salons to starting her own business. Ashley loves balance: Caring for others as a Skin Care Therapist, imparting all of the lessons she’s learned to others who are navigating life in her industries, as well as dancing and singing karaoke





Former D1 Collegiate athlete, Master’s Degree, and currently in education. She has coached women’s sports for 15+ years. Dog lover and outdoor enthusiasts!

07. Memories > Macros

A THROWBACK CAST! KO, Amanda Pettas, Tera Pettas, and Jenn Ryan sit down to share their fitness journey over cinnamon rolls… is there any other way? We get to life as we know it and how fitness has played a major role in the journey- from training, to career inspiration, to self-discovery, to sacrifice. When we find the balance in too much and not enough… it just might not be about fitness after all!:) Here are 4 different perspectives on navigating life inside and outside the gym and how staying mentally and physically fit (most days) complimented our lives thus far. Two married, two CrossFit games athletes, all sticky, sugary, carb lovers. 


The joys of eating, cinnamon rolls, balance, love, life, fit biz, dedication, pulling back, the CrossFit Games, fitness making friends, self discovery. Priorties, this cast might help you organize your list!

Jenn Ryan

My story starts as a teenager, obsessed with playing sports and kinda being one of those people that just never quite felt like I was good enough, like there was more I should be doing.  I was the kid that would play a sport every season of the year, and after practice each night, would go run for an hour on the treadmill in my grandparents’ basement.  As much as I was concerned with my athletic performance, I was paying a lot of attention to my body image as well.  And it wasn’t a good one.  Sure, I had an athletic build, but I didn’t like the way I looked in my school uniform and I would rather wear stretch pants than jeans.  I thought cutting out certain foods like milk and red meat would help me be ‘healthier’ and ‘skinnier’ – of which this did neither. I lived through some of the crazy fad diet times and believed them all at one point or another throughout my 20’s.  You wouldn’t find many days that I skipped going to the gym, but that doesn’t mean I had the best lifestyle habits.  I was a student and a bartender, and there were more often than not late nights of heavy drinking.  Sometimes I would eat very little, sometimes I would binge eat because I restricted myself so many other times from the foods that I thought were ‘bad.’  All the while, I stressed about the way I looked and couldn’t do enough working out (a.k.a. cardio) to make the changes I wanted.  I read every magazine and article out there that I could find during all of this, yet wasn’t putting it all together. I started doing Crossfit the Summer of 2009, and during my second year, I competed in my first Crossfit-style competition. I was hooked. I loved being an ‘athlete’ again, and focusing on my performance. I learned more about the Paleo and Zone diets that were the big things in Crossfit nutrition around that time. I finally started to understand that I should be trying to put on some lean muscle mass and learned how to get stronger with both bodyweight movements and the barbell. Things were starting to make more sense, and my body composition was changing. But I was still lost as to what my body truly needed, a bit scared of eating too many carbohydrates, and still having many days when I didn’t want to ‘overeat.’ I was definitely too self-conscious to be the girl at the gym or competition working out without a shirt on. In 2014 I started focusing more on fueling my body for performance, learning about macronutrients, and how food could be viewed as fuel instead of something to be afraid of. Finally!! I had a breakthrough in what led to me breaking the cycle of disordered eating and a low self-image. I felt empowered, and my performance in strength and metcons went up, as well as recovery and mood. Lots of areas of my life were benefitting from this, and with the structure I now had, I found what I was looking for: freedom. Freedom from being afraid of food, freedom from a negative self image, and the freedom to teach others as well. Looking at food from a performance standpoint was such an exhilarating experience that I was set on helping anyone else interested in finding a healthy relationship with food and consequently themselves.

Tara Pettas

Tara is a  head coach, personal trainer, NASM certified nutritionist, and helping sell all the stretchy pants over at a local lululemon here in Pasadena, California! She loves being able to share her knowledge and her story with anyone who is willing to listen and learn.

Amanda Pettas 

Amanda is currently a 3rd year Doctor of Physical Therapy Student at the University of Southern California. She got into Physical Therapy to help people get back to their lives following an injury, no matter how big or small. Outside of her passion for Neurologic Physical Therapy, she loves fitness, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with her wife and pup!

06. Bleeding The Brand

KO and LONG-time lax homie, Katie G., sit down to discuss bleeding the brand- for yourself, your team, and your business. From the sports field to the boardroom: same mentality, different outfit:) We cover the importance of trial and error, the people around you, and getting to know yourself before anything else. We also highlight embracing your personal idiosyncrasies and the things that authentically give you your competitive edge- and letting those drive the impact, wins, and sales. AND the importance of the relationships in business, thank you sports!


Varsity vs. JV, Maslow’s hierarchy, sharing energy and passion, building your team post college, the power of connection, Madonna, getting uncomfortable, beer, and verbal vs. body language.

Katie Gerhard

Katie is a Colorado Native who was a tiny yet tenacious multi-sport athlete growing up. As the youngest of 5, her competitive nature and do-or-die mentality helped her earn a Division I lacrosse scholarship where, like KO, she played at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. She later transferred to Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT where she earned her undergrad. Katie studied marketing and minored in both business administration as well as sports management with the hope of one day becoming the brand director for Under Armour. Today, Katie is a sales executive for MillerCoors—a Fortune 500 company and a respected powerhouse within the beer industry. This kid is known for her loyalty and can often be seen supporting the brands she sells via wearable’s and/or consumption. Katie’s still active, recently getting back into CrossFit, and comes back to Colorado every few months to not only breathe in Rocky Mountain fresh air but also crush some authentic Coors Lights. Cheers!

05. Corporation vs. Liberation

KO and Heidi sit down to solve the world’s problems… AKA sip tequila, share our journeys (thus far), and reaffirm that world change starts with getting to know ourselves and evolving from the inside out.  If you are not #FollowingHeart and out of alignment personally, professionally, athletically-  how is that missed out fulfillment really costing you energetically AND financially? Shift from what you are supposed to do to what your want to do (responsibly) and the world just might evolve alongside you. 

 Thankfully,  over time we have (started to) further develop a sense of self and begin to prioritize  goals, time, hopes, dreams… and tequila/botox budgets. Take notes AND bring an eraser:)


Sustainability, communication, balance, environment… all as global AND personal conversation. Universe vs. plan, money vs. time vs. impact, getting uncomfortable, and building a global network. Recognizing your influencer and taking responsibility for it. If you want to break free, please do-here is how we did it/are constantly in process of doing it.

#InfluencerIRL … earn your tank like Heidi 🙂


Heidi Rose Buckhout 

Heidi is a freelance business owner who specializes in writing and marketing in the Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) space. She owns Manifest Ink, LLC, a writing and marketing strategy company. She is one of those rare unicorns who was born in Colorado and still lives here, although she travels enough to know that there are plenty of other magical places to be. She earned her BA in Technical Journalism from Colorado State University and holds an MA in Sustainable Development and Responsible Management from the University for Peace in Costa Rica. She has logged time in corporate and non-profit offices and has lived in worked in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica. Her mission is to connect people to stories and write words that compel people to make a positive impact on the world.

04. Resilience, Dedication, and Trail Blazing, with one leg, two, or 4!

Current Highland Games super star, Spencer Tyler, and future Highland Games (and potential Olympian:) super star, Sebastiana Lopez (and her pup, Bravo), sit down with KO to cover all things resilience, dedication, and trailblazing. They are both currently breaking barriers with a “non-mainstream” sport on the field AND breaking barriers  in the sports medicine and recovery medical fields (aka off the field:). They each have an inspiring story to share on competing:  professionally, with one’s self, and with a crowded sports industry… from stereotypes, to funding, to training – we cover it all! 


Competing after college and after serious injury, personal identity evolution, growing with the sport you love, training/raising future competitive studs (parenting and coaching), and how an animal (a pet:) can change your life so much for the better!


Spencer Tyler 

Former collegiate All-American in shot put and discus. Five events world record holder in the Highland games. North American, national, and US Champion in Highland games. All around kinda neat guy………… kinda. <–  His words haha. My words, great dude, even better beer drinker and competitive athlete:)

Sebastiana & Bravo Lopez

Sebastiana had a motorcycle accident while on active duty (Air force) in 2015. She was in an  induced coma for about a month, flatlining  lined 3 times. She lost her right leg above the knee and hand function in both hands. She then spent 2 years at Walter Reed rehabbing. It took her about a year to start to walk and  2 years to walk consistently. It took about the same amount of time to learn how to dress, feed herself,  write, speak(stroke), and drive . She competed in her first sporting events 1yr post accident in the 2016 Warrior and Invictus games. Medaling at both. Her Goal at the time of leaving the hospital was to be able to live completely alone. With tons of help from people surrounding her, she surpassed that! 

Accomplishments (thus far):

2019 USA Para panamerican games medalist 

Discus-world Record  


Shot put -bronze 

Arnold’s Strongest disabled woman 2019/2018

Invictus games 2018

Rowing: 2golds

Powerlifting :gold

Shot put: gold

Discus: gold

Rugby: bronze

03. Unapologetically Authentic

KO, Chelsea, and Sarah sit down to dive in about “being the change we want to see in the world”. Chelsea and Sarah share their personal journeys of self discovery AND how/why they established their incredible annual event,

Be Golden. From equality to politics to environment, It’s overwhelming to see and know all the work that needs to be done to make the world a better place AND these two have found a way to make a large scale difference. Listen in how they have done this and are continuing to blaze trail in pursuit of continuous positive impact for the world and all of its people at large.


Personal journeys, self enlightenment, event experience and planing, political discovery, and of course TEQUILA:).


Chelsea Sanders

An artist and creator to the core, Chelsea Sanders is the visionary and co-founder of Be Golden. With 12 years under her belt as founder and creative director of Blueline Media and owner of art gallery Untitled Light, Chelsea brings her artistic passion and entrepreneurial energy and spirit to Be Golden, helping women understand their self-worth and empower them to fulfill their most authentic lives. When she is not lifting other women up through her creative endeavors, she is motivating them on the cycling floor as an instructor at Bloomington-based Ethos Cycling.

Sarah Perfetti

Sarah Perfetti, MPA, is Be Golden’s organizational powerhouse. As co-founder and director of expansion & strategy, Sarah manages Be Golden’s partnerships and all the nitty-gritty details that make it all happen. Inspired to create a safe and inclusive space for collaboration and connection over topics of shared human experience, Sarah’s mission is to encourage women to celebrate themselves and their unique qualities. In her “spare” time, she instructs at Ethos Cycling. Sarah’s other passion? Taking care of the adorable chicks living in her home-based DIY chicken coop.

Be Golden

The mission of the Be Golden Women’s Empowerment Conference is to provide community, mentorship, and tools to inspire and empower women and their allies to spark the change they want to see in themselves and the world around them.

02. Big Dreams and The Little Things

Sara McInerney, KO, and Chloe Barnes come together for a much anticipated convo/cast together as 3 female biz hustlers: full time jobs+ side hustle+ school… how do you find balance while chasing the dream? 

Highlights include physical AND mental health, prioritizing, labels AND identity, the importance of the pause AND celebrating whenever you can (and celebrating other people). This cast was straight up SOUL FUEL. If you need a warm, digital hug and “a nod to know that it’s ok, things are in motion, enjoy the journey that’s in process”, listen to this cast. AND special appearance by THE Rosa Jadd:)


Sara McInerney

Manager, Finish Line Youth Foundation and Founder, Passion over Paycheck, M.B.A.

Sara McInerney is an outdoor and travel fitness enthusiast, adrenaline junkie, writer, speaker, corporate nonprofit guru and ever-evolving badass woman. She lives and works in Indianapolis with her fiancé.
Through her career she has participated and planned KaBOOM! playground builds, built a career readiness program called One Step Ahead for Finish Line’s Boys & Girls Clubs of America partnership, led volunteer engagement with Special Olympics and planned many other employee engagement opportunities. 

Her career is built on following her passion over her paycheck and turning an internship into a full-time job early on. Throughout her five years of “adulting”, she’s learned life is about continuously facing fears in order to live an unapologetically authentic life. 

Chloe Barnes

Deputy Chief of Staff, Oscar Health, athlete consulting, M.B.A.

Chloe Barnes is a Chicago grown and New York known former Division I Women’s Basketball player turned entrepreneur, community builder, writer, speaker and advocate whose world crashed when she was forced to retire from basketball prematurely due to injury. 

Determined to prevent other athletes from feeling the confusion that she felt after it was time to leave the game behind; Barnes ran her own consulting agency, Elle Grace Consulting, LLC for three years before she moved to NYC and co-founded The Prolific Company, an social impact organization that is designed to bring forth innovative professional empowerment solutions to young professionals transitioning from sport around the world. 

Barnes’ entrepreneurial work has lead her to be named one of Chicago Urban League’s nextSTARTUP participants, one of the country’s “Top Sports Professionals” by Front Office Sports, and one of the youngest professionals to hold national leadership positions at organizations like the National Association of Academic and Student-Athlete Development Professionals and Women Leaders in College Sports. 

When she isn’t working, Barnes is active in her community and serves as a fearless advocate for the rights and opportunities of athletes, women and girls around the world.

Rosa Jadd

KS107.5 On Air Talent 

Nothing is off limits when Rosa steps into the studio! The outgoing girl who grew up avidly listening to KS1075 has now found herself in the shoes of her idols.

Born in Saudi Arabia and living in Denver since 2000, this over-the-top, don’t-think-before-you-speak girl always dreamed of entertaining people. Knowing the city inside and out, Rosa defines what it means to rep the Mile High city.

While finishing up her senior year of high school, she landed an internship with a prestigious sports radio station. Within the first week, she found herself on the same floor and in the mix with 1075. In 2013, at just 17 years old, she became an on-air KS1075 personality doing weekend shifts, while being a full-time college student. Fast-forwarding 3 years later, Rosa graduated early from the University of Colorado, Denver, while simultaneously working her way up the ranks at the station.

Ready to put the city on a wave weekdays 10am – 3pm, Rosa will use her youth and spunk to bring Denver a fresh, energetic radio vibe!