21. Year In Review 2019

2020, we HERE! Before we jump into the new year, let’s take a somewhat quick look back… ok, it’s a long one, but worth it. Myself and my 3 friends; Ashley, Shelly, and Zach, breakdown a month by month review of 2019. The best way to move forward is to glance back and take note on what happened and how. From there we evolve… AND laugh a bit too, hopefully. We highlight everything from major world/US events to pop culture moments to side tangents on life in general, #onbrand. I’ll keep this intro brief so you can get right to the cast, pour some champagne and toast to 2019 and help us welcome in 2020! 

Special THANK YOU to everyone who supported this cast in its first year- it’s been a wild one. We are over 1k downloads and growing, thanks to you all! I sincerely appreciate all the feedback, reposts, and general support. This cast is safe space for sharing thoughts, views, beliefs, and how we are all questioning a better way. I can’t wait to see what is next, cheers to evolution and revolution. Gratitude and graceful disruption all around. XO 


SO MANY THINGS. Month by month commentary on what happened in 2019. Lots of laughs. WTF Politics, Hollywood, and us, in general:). Different views, similar core values. How do we make 2020 even better? Let’s look back. 

Ashley Knight, @theashleysimone

Shelly Losasso, @girlswannabeher

Zach Tinsley, 

20. The Art of Looking The Other Way

Happy Holidays… end of the year check in effect! This is another solo cast- just me and all of you:) I am going to start doing mini CHECK IN casts throughout the year as each of our personal evolution (and resolutions) are an ever changing and fluid process. I know it’s important to pull back every once in a while, and really look at what is going on, internally and externally. This cast I am acknowledging the art of “looking the other way”. As humans, I really do believe that we only see what we want to see. This can be for many reasons: self-protection/defense, health, work/family/friend responsibilities, not knowing what else to do, and so many other good reasons.

As we have discussed on a few casts now, knowing yourself and what you truly believe (core values) are the base points for how you live in and digest the world around you. So being out of alignment on those core beliefs, small or large, can really throw off your world as a whole. This cast is about checking into yourself and the world around you and seeing what you might not have been seeing. What is negatively or positively impacting your world? This can be large scale- “global warming is not a thing” – Oil company employee. Or “it’s not really cheating, my bff just has needs” -loyal(ish) bff.

Lean back and further trust your gut, it will pay dividends in the long run. Good and bad, find the right way to speak your truth. Even if the positive repercussions aren’t immediately apparent- it will be the right choice for the long term #choicepoint. Your body, mind, and world around you, will thank you.

Happy Holiday, cheers is to positive, radical social evolution in our world, starting with kindness to ourselves and those around us. XO 


Looking the other way? Choice points. Speaking your truth. Standing up for what you believe in . Being real, with yourself, with the world around you. All the answers are within. 

Kristen M. Olson, Founder (HOST)

Human, Athlete, Creative (Biz)

Life long athlete, 18+ years in marketing and branding in the fitness/lifestyle industry…specializing in aligning key voices and creative strategy. Knowing there is always better way, we just have to look for it:)

19. Core Values

CORE VALUES… your subconscious core beliefs, your very own unique filter for your world and experience. Why you think the way you do, why certain things matter to you and why certain things don’t. Listen in to this cast to unpack that even more as it’s the base point to finding our true happiness. Happiness, also subjective:). 

I spoke about my core values on “The Why” cast, aka the last cast, so this is great timing to bring out the OG of Core Values, at least in my world, The Jenn Kaye. Jenn is a communication master, amongst so many other things (full bio below), and here she shares her journey of a breakdown at 15 and break through not long after (remarkable so young!). A pivotal point for her long-term life game and incredibly important career (positive human impact worldwide). Her vulnerability in this conversation reaches all ages, genders, and races, as we all face deep challenges in life and recognize (at some point) that the only thing we DO have is CHOICE. 

Choice to question a better way, to heal, to dream, to do. When filling the void destructively no longer works, when you realize the external behavior is from the internal self-dialogue. When you understand everyone wants to belong and feel accepted AND the importance of community. You choose a better way, realizing that the things you thought made you different, actually make you very human, like everyone else. Your purpose is to be happy AND each of us have a different path in that pursuit. The key piece in the journey’s map is communication: with other humans, with digital media, with animals, AND most importantly with ourselves.

This is a bit of our journey in further understanding ourselves. 


Core Values. External validation and internal conversation. Acceptance and belonging. Happiness and what that means? Purpose. How scary and hard it is to look at yourself and unpack beliefs and experiences. Making a change. Getting to know yourself. 

Jenn Kaye

Jenn Kaye is a transformational thought leader specializing in strategic communication and a never-ending seeker of what moves people to action.  As a Master Communicator, Language Expert, and Executive Coach, Jenn helps leaders, creatives and difference-makers get the results they want by identifying their authentic voice and customizing their message for optimum impact. A fierce advocate for the authentic expression of the human experience, she works diligently to support humans in making choices that are in alignment with who they truly are and developing the courage to disrupt their own status quo. She is the founder of The Choice Point Method, a systemized approach to leadership development, starting from the inside-out. 


Well, we are 17 casts in, so now seems like a good time to dive into THE WHY!?! 🙂 Why am I doing a podcast?… I keep this one pretty quick. Just me sharing my main goal, “To inspire positive, radical social evolution”, with you. How do I do that? Create a platform (this cast) for all varsity humans to share their journey, speak their truth, and enlighten the rest of the world with how they questioned a better way – ideally inspiring us to do the same… if we so choose. 

Growing up the way I did (my background), surrounded by the people I was surrounded by (my humans- family, friends, teammates), and my eclectic personal and professional experience (competing in sports and biz) has brought me to this point. Not all things in life are super transparent, personal or business, we are often led by the sale vs the truth. This cast is about highlighting all the humans and businesses that are doing things the right way, lead with their heart AND their head. Questioning a better way, shaking up status quo and in turn, providing space for positive, radical, social evolution. Great humans, doing great things… I am coming for you and aiming to get as many of you as possible to share your story. GRACEFUL DISRUPTION. Stay tuned. Cheers. XO


KO Background, the journey thus far, the goal, the why, and the why not!? The how, we are not sure yet, but we believe in the larger order- so WE OUT HERE. Graceful Disruption.

Kristen M. Olson, Founder (HOST)

Human, Athlete, Creative (Biz)

Life long athlete, 18+ years in marketing and branding in the fitness/lifestyle industry…specializing in aligning key voices and creative strategy. Knowing there is always better way, we just have to look for it:)

Philosophies: T&T 

*Team is everything AND independence is a top core value.  

*Botox the wrinkles AND highlight the scares. 

*Living on the trending setting tip AND on the couch with my dog. 

*Constant adaptation AND being still.

*Thankful for the past AND present for the future.

*Leadership is the greatest responsibility AND so if following your heart.  

*Opportunity cost is real AND so is saying yes to the moment. 

*Spend time as you feel AND invoice for it as needed. 


Dream, Believe, Achieve.

17. Women in Trades

Building an empire… to give it all away?! Precisely, with a job outside of your gender role please. We don’t want if it’s too easy #tupac :). The larger order circled one of my fave varsity (literally), Grandview Highschool laxers that I coached about 10 years ago (I know- soul botox!!), back into my world on this one, Maddy Fauth. Maddy is an entrepreneur/ business owner and she brought her good friend and fellow entrepreneur/business owner, Linzy Cassell, with her. We’ll dive into each of their businesses and their journeys into the trades/ service world, but first let’s be clear on what the trades (and services) jobs are:

Trades/Services Jobs include (but are not limited to):

  • Roofing, coating
  • Heating, cooling, home services
  • Elevator Installer/Repairer
  • Geological and Petroleum Technician
  • Web Developer
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
  • Electrician

You know, what you see the boys do… for the most part. Until now. Maddy and Linzy are two incredible women breaking barriers, not only as entrepreneurs/business owners in general, but in a male dominated space. So that packs a whole other line of experiences with it- not to worry both of these women carry a load of confidence in their work abilities and businesses AND more importantly, in themselves. We chat about why college wasn’t the right choice for them and how they took time early on to learn about what they really want (or listened when they felt out of alignment/universe laid the smack down)… taking that break year after high school just might be a good idea after all, and might save you a few $100k. Outside of money, which empires are in the making, so that’ not the prob, we talk about the value of time and energy… and giving back. We all want to be productive human beings, but what is real impact? Why is it important? Why giving is absolutely receiving in the best, most priceless way. Giving funds, furnaces, and a little something of girls to shoot for as they pick their “dream career”.  My journey into questioning a better way was later in the game than these two, but it’s funny how the world works… Maddy’s Mom was actually one of the first people to bring up “The Law of Attraction” (when the movie came out back in the day:), vibration, and intentional thoughts. Pretty sure she actually gave me all the cd’s to listen to haha, ahh the 2000’s…/I likely still have them. So It is no surprise to me her kiddo is right in line with that thought process and out there on trades front lines with her Dad being a true influencer IRL. AND she is pulling people into her post HS lax, but still varsity world, like Linzy! No doubt all of their parents are proud, as they should be. 

This is a great cast if you are a kid about to graduate high school, mid college and not sure if it’s for you, college grad and need cash/inspiration, a parent with a kiddo, or anyone questioning a better way in general. Lean in. 


women in trades/services. BNI, Business Networking International. Gender roles, and not having college debt. Following you heart or having the awareness of what your parents did (cuz you’ll likely have similar interest, surprise). Life skills through sports. Alignment and being out of alignment, vibration. Mom and dad. Pro women’s sports. Self-awareness. Reciprocity, give back, and paying it forward. The strong women before us. Entrepreneurs. Being the brand aka yourself. 

My genuine endorsement is given here, if you need service that their businesses provide- call them. They are the real, honest deal. 

Maddy Fauth 

Maddy is co-owner of Great Guys heating and cooling. From health care to cannabis to HVAC, making an impact is the goal. Daughter of two entrepreneurs, building an empire to call hers was destined to happen. Using skills gained from her lacrosse and semi-professional football experience she has built a team that is breaking barriers in the HVAC industry and for women in trades.  Great Guys is family owned and operated and prides itself on giving back to the community and those in need.

16. Fatness Fiction

Ellise, PHD… in academics, humor, experience, and life. And we cover it all on this one. It was day 3 of Be Golden Conference and we just so happen to find the perfect recipe for a 2.5 hour laugh packed and passion filled podcast (write this down, Grandma said so): knowledge + education + persistence + patients + libations + the past + the future + tangents = pure gold and some noteworthy life lessons/skills. We cover the art of the “intentional doer” and the even bigger art of the larger order and the unintentional plays that have built the path. Knowing that, is it all worth the school loans? We think so. Perhaps we are packaged accordingly to fulfill our journey’s purpose. Speaking of, we dive into society’s unacceptance of fat people. Where does this come from? Our families, our friends, today- social media? If you look a certain way, what does that say about who you are? If anything at all? It doesn’t. Ellise graciously shares her road thus far and what her Fatness Fiction brand: podcast, magazine, and digital presence, were initially inspired by. If being fat is associated with being unhealthy, does looking “fit” mean that you are healthy? Hailing from the fitness space on the business and athletic side, I can assure one thing- that is not so. Physically or mentally. You need to dig into what healthy even means and what it means for you. The fitness space is a magical one, but every person in the mix of it can tell you not to judge a book by its cover. We would be fools to believe that rule doesn’t work on both sides of the coin. All humans can feel hyper invisible, one more thing that can bond us all, even if we are packaged differently. Ellise’s responsibility around her message and art set the bar for influencers everywhere. Know what you are saying, why, and carry the consciousness close that the gift of your impact just might positively inspire another’s reality and their day to day.  Get to know yourself and never, ever be the world’s side chick. 


Fatness Fiction, stereotypes, OPPORTUNITY IS EVERYWHERE. Generational poverty, impact of our immediate surroundings- human and marketing. The roles of parents and kids. The similarities and difference in generations. Finding purpose. Affirmations and self-belief. More tangents. Brain health. Stigmas. Facts and fiction in general around beliefs. DRAMASTICALLY. Responsibility… some weed and tequila. Balance friends. 

Ellise Antoinette Smith

Artist, PHD Student, Founder of Fatness Fiction and Plus Size Magic Radio 

Ellise Antoinette Smith is a doctoral student from Detroit, MI with a research interest on the experiences of bodies that identify as fat. With an interdisciplinary focus, Smith uses photography (#VisualActivism), podcasting, and social media to center the narratives of fat bodies. As an emerging artist and scholar, Smith has dedicated her life to creating celebratory spaces for marginalized identities that she also holds.



