Site icon Turmeric & Tequila


Turmeric & Tequila’s Misson: To inspire positive, radical, social evolution. 

I created this podcast quite simply to provide a platform for anyone that needs a space to share their voice. There are far too many people unheard. Given the current situation in America and now around the world, it was a no brainer to open up the mic to people of color. I am happy to keep the mic open with a never ending “T&T Open Mic Series”. The T&T Open Mic Series is literally that, an open mic. I am happy to participate in the conversation with you OR happy to listen and learn. It’s for you. No red tape, except please no hate:) If you have a message to share, please reach out to me. I will aim to get these conversations posted as fast as I can and continue to do so in the future alongside the other “regular scheduled casts”. 

I welcome Raven Roberts back to T&T on this cast, she graciously joins us while at her home in NYC. Raven is a powerhouse in her own right and I am so thankful she came on to share her views on what is going on in the world right now. She is no stranger to activism, colorism, and the need for a new deeper racial consciousness and conversation across the board. We talk about it all… systemic racism, what to do as a white person, as a black person, racism in fashion… we even cover how to address branding in the current climate?! I won’t say too much more, please listen to the end where she nails it with one quote. If you are looking for a way to help and contribute to positive change, please check out Raven’s social channels. She has a plethora of actionable items that you can do right now and continue to do, so we see change and evolution continuously happening. 

Appreciate you Raven, blessed to call you a friend!! XO



“Even from my organization, we have stopped all initiatives to focus on the bigger problem at hand, which is racism.”

-Raven Roberts  

Raven Roberts

Celebrity Fashion Stylist & Founder of Own Your I Am 

Celebrity Fashion Stylist and advocate, Raven Roberts, who about seven years ago began styling in Los Angeles, California. Today Raven is based in New York City and has quickly become one to watch in the fashion industry. Raven recently founded Own Your I Am.

She aims to help women of color erase the lines of colorism and the social injustice that comes from it. By empowering women to own who they say they are and not what the world says about them!




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